California Nightmaring

Eyes are increasingly on Southern California and the bottleneck being created by the congestion in the port and in the terminals. Marine Traffic – a website for global ship tracking, shows the number of vessels at anchor off the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Once berthed, the number of containers terminating locally are unable to be recovered by […]

Ever Given Updates

Suez Canal: Evergreen Blocked from Offloading Containership’s CargoIn efforts by Evergreen, the operator of Ever Given, to have the containership’s cargo separated from the vessel in any legal action have failed. The 20,000TEU Ever Given was arrested by Egyptian authorities, pending settlement of the Suez Canal Authority’s almost $1bn claim for compensation, after the grounding […]

Evergreen Freed, Now What?

The logistics industry is facing an unprecedented series of challenges that a year of pandemic living and shipping have brought to cargo owners, carriers, airports and seaports and worldwide supply chains. We wanted to take a moment to span the globe and aggregate what we and our worldwide agent partners are seeing and experiencing to […]

Global Container Shortage Likely To Last Until 2022 |Port of Savannah Update

No Relief: Global Container Shortage Likely To Last Until 2022 The world does not have enough containers in the right places to handle cargo demand. It’s a conundrum that has persisted for so long that the mainstream press is finally covering it. The New York Times reported Friday how the box shortfall is contributing to […]

WRO for Chinese Cotton Exporter

CBP has been issuing Withhold Release Orders (WRO’s) for Chinese products of both land and sea that the agency claims are made or caught with forced or prison labor. The agency’s most recent WRO could be the furthest reaching to date, instructing ports of entry to detain shipments containing cotton or cotton products from Xinjiang Production […]

Weekly Updates

Cargo Ship Loses Stability Dumping Containers Into Harbor A small container ship loading containers in a Vietnamese port lost stability causing it to roll on its side and lose its deck loaded cargo. Vietnamese authorities are not reporting any injuries, but are warning of a navigation hazard. Ships are being advised to use alternate routes […]

CTPAT Business Partner Outreach

WHAT IS CTPAT? CTPAT is a voluntary, joint government/business initiative to build cooperative relationships that strengthen and secure the overall supply chain and border security.